
Third Reich Personalities

Knights Cross Recipients -Waffen SS ~NEW~

Knights Cross Recipients Luftwaffe -Fighter Pilots ~NEW~

Knights Cross Recipients Luftwaffe -Ground Attack

Knights Cross Recipients Luftwaffe-Bombers

Knights Cross Recipients Luftwaffe- Transport/Recon/Misc. Knights

Knights Cross Recipients Luftwaffe - Fallschirmjager/Hermann Goring Division/Flak ~NEW~

Knights Cross Recipients - Kreigsmarine/U-Boat

Knights Cross Recipients -Wehrmacht~NEW~

Medal of Honor Recipients

Victoria Cross Recipient

Fighter Aces

Various Military/Historical Notable Figures

Postcards/Propaganda Cards


Aviation Related

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1 )Generalfeldmarschall

Keßelring, Albert

* 30.11.1885 Marksteft bei Kitzingen/Unterfranken
+ 15.07.1960 Bad Nauheim

Awarded Knights Cross: 30.09.1939
as: General der Flieger Chef Luftflotte 1

Awarded Oakleaves as the 78th recipient : 25.02.1942 as Generalfeldmarschall Oberbefehlshaber Süd(Heeresgruppe C)

Awarded Swords as the15th recipient:18.07.1942 as Generalfeldmarschall Oberbefehlshaber Süd(Heeresgruppe C)

Awarded Diamonds as the 14th recipient: 9.07.1944 als Generalfeldmarschall Oberbefehlshaber Süd(Heeresgruppe C)

2) General der Fallschirmtruppe

Ramcke, Hermann-Bernhard

* 24.01.1889 Schleswig-Friedrichsberg
+ 05.07.1968 Kappeln

Awarded Knights Cross: 21.08.1941
as: Oberst Kommandeur FschJägSturmRgt

Awarded Oakleaves as the 145th recipient: 13.11.1942 as Generalmajor Kommandeur FschJägBrig "Ramcke"

Awarded Swords as the 99th recipient : 19.09.1944 as Generalleutnant Kommandant Festung Brest

Awarded Diamonds as the 20th recipient Brillanten : 19.09.1944 as Generalleutnant Kommandant Festung Brest

3) Generaloberst

Student, Kurt

* 12.05.1890 Birkholz/Mark Brandenburg
+ 01.07.1978 Lemgo/Westfalen

Awarded Knights Cross: 12.05.1940
as: Generalleutnant Kommandeur 7.FliegerDiv

Awarded Oakleaves as the 305th recipient : 27.09.1943 as General der Flieger
Kommandierender General XI.Fliegerkorps

Fallschirmjäger Veterans card signed by three of the most recognizable commanders

I don’t know how many of these are floating around, but it is the first that I have seen in over 25+ years of collecting. I would assume that this must date from the mid50’s to 1960 as Kesselring died that year. The Ramcke signature is very faded, looks to have been signed in pencil, it has bled through on the back in a purple color, possibly a reaction of the writing instrument on the blue.

To have all three of these personalities sign this early veteran commemorative card is highly desirable. Signed photos for any of these personalities generally start at $150 and climb and these can be found, this item, not so easy.

Card measures 4” x 6”

Price: $0.00

Please contact us before ordering to confirm availability and shipping costs.

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