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Generalleutnant Dr. Walter Hinghofer

Hinghofer Walter Dr. (19.05.1884 – 17.02.1951)

Signed War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords Document with postwar unsigned photo

02.10.1905 Einjährig-Freiwilliger (KAR 11)
01.01.1907 Leutnant d.Res. [HPA]
01.11.1909 Leutnant [44] im aktiven Dienstverhältnis [HPA]
01.08.1914 Oberleutnant [7]
27.07.1915 Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Kl. mit KD [PVBl. 113/1915]
01.05.1917 Hauptmann [7] (FHR 11, Stab 57. Feldart.Brig.) [PVBl. 94/1917]
07.01.1918 Orden der Eisernen Krone 3. Kl. mit KD.X [PVBl. 9/1917]

05.10.1919 beim Landesbefehlshaber Kärnten [HPA]
01.12.1920 einget. beim 6. Brig.Kdo [HPA]
08.07.1921 Major (Titel) m.W.v. 1.1.1921 (BAA 6) [VBl. 34/1921]
01.03.1923 Stabshauptmann (BAA 6) [VBl. 9/1923]
16.04.1925 Major (Titel) (BAA 6) [VBl. 9/1925]
19.01.1928 Major DKl. V (BAA 6) [VBl. 1/1928]
01.08.1928 überstellt in VwGrp. 4 [VBl. 9/1928]
24.01.1930 Oberstleutnant dhmD (4. Brig.Kdo) [VBl. 1/1930]
01.12.1930 best. zum Leiter HVSt. Klagenfurt [VBl. 15/1930]
23.09.1933 Oberst VwGrp 4 [VBl. 26/1933]
15.10.1933 vers. zum 2. Brig.Kdo [VBl. 26/1933]
08.10.1934 Militärdienstzeichen für Offiziere 2. Klasse [VBl. 24/1934]
15.11.1934 vers. zur Abt. 1/BMfLV [VBl. 27/1934]
01.12.1935 best. zum Generalstabschef der 7. Div. [VBl. 19/1935]
20.01.1937 Ritterkreuz 1. Kl. d. österr. Verdienstordens [PVBl. 2/1937]

01.10.1935 RDA als Oberst [46] [DAL1938Ö]
15.03.1938 Standortältester Klagenfurt [HPA]
01.08.1939 vers. zum Geb.Jäg.Reg. 139 [HPA]
01.09.1938 vers. zum Stab der 3. Geb.Div. [HPA]
10.11.1938 Offizier z.Verfügung des Ob.d.H [HPA]
01.06.1939 Generalmajor [13] [HPA]
01.09.1939 Mob.Verw. beim Stab XVIII. A.K. [HPA]
17.01.1940 kdrt. zum Stab OB Ost (Erkundungsstab) [HPA]
09.02.1940 Leiter des Erkundungsstabes M.i.G. [HPA]
01.07.1941 Generalleutnant [3] [HPA]
02.07.1941 Kommandeur 342. Inf.Div. [HPA]
01.11.1941 Kommandeur 717. Inf.Div. [HPA]
01.04.1942 Dienstbeurteilung „mehr Wissenschafter als Truppenführer, führt aber mit Fleiß und Umsicht“ [HPA, Bader]
25.10.1942 Fhr.Res. OKH/XVII [HPA]
27.01.1943 General z.b.V. bei HGr. Don (Süd) [HPA]
20.04.1943 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Kl. mit Schwertern [HPA]
30.01.1944 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Kl. mit Schwertern [HPA]
20.02.1944 Dienstbeurteilung „Anforderungen nicht mehr gewachsen, sodaß Ablösung beantragt werden mußte“ [HPA, v. Manstein]
18.03.1944 kdrt. zum Wehrm.Befh. Ostland (Sonderaufgaben) [HPA]
20.08.1944 Kommandierung aufgehoben, D.r. WK XVII [HPA]
31.12.1944 entlassen [HPA]

RK1 ÖVO, EKO.3.X, MVK.3.X, SMVM.X (PVBl. 230/1916), BMVM.X (PVBl. 87/1914), KTK, VerwM, EZ2-RK, OD2, ÖKM.X, JK1908, EK1912-13, a.u.b.K.Kr.f.T., preuß. EK2 (PVBl. 141/1916, auch 104/1918), oldenb. F.A.Kr. (PVBl. 173/1917) [Schem37], OMM38 [DÖW], KVK1.X, KVK2.X, SpzEK2 (6.10.1939)

Personalverlautbarungsblatt der k.u.k. Armee
Verlautbarungblätter des BMfLV
ÖSTA/KA/AdR: Hauptgrundbuchblatt
OKH/HPA: Karteikarte Generalskartei
25.09.1941 Böhme orders Hinghofer, commander of the 342. ID, to clear the main base of the Šabac partisans. As early as 1914, the k.u.k. army had committed incredible barbarities here. Böhme did not want k.u.k. FM Conrad von Hötzendorf fail with his punitive expedition. Thus, Hinghofer captures 4,459 male civilians until 27.09.1941, who are deported to the Jarak concentration camp (north of Šabac, built by Pi.Btl. of the 342. Infanterie-Division) on Croatian soil. Before that, 75 men had been shot dead in Šabac and 5 had died. Even before the march to the concentration camp, more than 80 prisoners were shot because of "resistance". The march of the 5,000 men (the Jews from Šabac had arrived) is known as the "blood march". However, Jarak does not stay long because of the unfavorable military situation and retreats to the provisional concentration camp in Šabac, on the march to which 150 people are said to have been shot dead
27.09.1941 the forthcoming action is issued a divisional order: the entire male population aged 14 to 70 years is arrested; that means the murder or imprisonment of all Serbian men (of all "Freischärler/volunteers")
27.09.1941 - 09.10.1941 Purging of the Save-Drina Triangle. After the action 1,127 civilians were shot dead, 21.440 were arrested and taken to the Šabac concentration camp, 88 were killed in action (own casualties: 1 killed)
Since the armed opponent can escape, the action failed militarily.
09.10.1941 - 15.10.1941 Action in the Cer mountains, enemy losses: 546 dead, 1,081 civilians shot dead, 4,295 men transferred to the Šabac concentration camp
21.10.1941 Massacre in Krupanji. 1,800 people are murdered by the 342. ID
19.11.1941 Hinghofer is deposed by Böhme as commander of the 342. ID ("Kampf"-Division) and demoted to commander of the 717. ID (occupation division) in exchange with Paul Hoffmann

Overall balance of the 342. ID until the end of 10.1942:
At least 4,408 civilians were shot dead and 25,735 were sent to the Šabac concentration camp. Agricultural resources were requisitioned, e.g. 1,505 cattle

Price: $100.00

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