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Kapitän zur See
Schuhart, Otto

* 01.04.1909 Hamburg
+ 10.03.1990 Stuttgart

Awarded Knights Cross: 16.05.1940
as: Kapitänleutnant Kommandant U-29

Signed postwar 3 1/2 ” x 5” photo

Otto Schuhart (1 April 1909 – 10 March 1990) was a Korvettenkapitän with the Kriegsmarine during World War II. He commanded the U-29, sinking twelve ships on nine patrols, for a total of 67,277 gross register tons (GRT) of Allied merchant shipping. Schuhart is credited for the sinking of the aircraft carrier HMS Courageous on 17 September 1939, the first British warship to be lost in the war.

Schuhart entered the Reichsmarine in 1929. After training on the sailing ship Niobe he entered the Naval Academy at Mürwik. He served on the light cruiser Emden, which served as a school ship and in the light cruiser Karlsruhe. In 1932 Schuhart was assigned to the old pre-dreadnought Schleswig-Holstein. After service as a company commander in the II. Marine-Artillerieabteilung, Schuhart joined Unterseebootsflottille Weddingen as officer of the watch on board of U-25, based in Wilhelmshaven. In 1938 he became commander of U-8 in the U-Bootschule. In December 1938 he was given command of U-25.

In 1939 Schuhart was transferred to U-29. Right after the outbreak World War II, on 17 September 1939, Schuhart encountered the British carrier HMS Courageous. After stalking her for two hours, Schuhart saw his opportunity when Courageous turned into the wind to launch her aircraft. This manoeuvre put the ship right across the bow of the U-29, which then fired three torpedoes. Two of the torpedoes struck the ship on her port side, and she capsized and sank in 15 minutes with the loss of 518 of her crew, including her captain. During the war Schuhart sank twelve ships on nine patrols, for a total of 67,277 tons of Allied merchant shipping. After transferring back to land, Schuhart became commander of 1. U-Lehr Division ("1st U-boat Training Division") and later of 21. Unterseebootsflottille in Pillau. From 1944-1945 he was commander of I./Marineschule Flensburg-Mürwik. After the German capitulation he commanded a marine battalion until August 1945. Until December 1945 he served in the German mine clearing service.

In 1955 Schuhart entered the Bundeswehr where he served in various land based capacities. Upon his retirement on 30 September 1967, he received the Bundesverdienstkreuz I class.

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