
Third Reich Personalities

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EDELSHEIM Maximilian

Edelsheim, Reichsfreiherr von, Maximilian

+July 6th, 1897 (Berlin/Prussia, Germany)
*April 26th, 1994 (Constance/Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Knights Cross: July 30th, 1941
As: Oberstleutnant Kommandeur, Radfahr-Abteilung 1, 1. Kavallerie-Division

At the start of Operation Barbarossa Oberstleutnant Edelsheim commanded the Vorausabteilung of the 1. Kavallerie-Division. Its initial orders were to march through Hwoznice, Maloriyta, Mekrany and Dywin. Along the way it was to capture important bridges and break through any enemy forces encountered. Despite the tough Soviet resistance that often outnumbered the Vorausabteilung itself, Edelsheim and his men were able to fight their way through the Soviet forces and clear the way for the rest of the Division. The Division was ultimately able to reach the area south of Sluck as ordered and fulfill its mission of providing flank protection for the XXIV. Armee-Korps. Oberstleutnant Edelsheim would subsequently be awarded the Knight’s Cross for the invaluable service he rendered in this capacity.
398th Award.

Oakleaves : December 23rd, 1942
As : Oberst Kommandeur, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26, 24. Panzer-Division
Awarded for the successes of his Regiment during the breakthrough to Voronezh (28.06.-08.07.1942), the battle in the great Don bend (09.07.-21.08.1942) and the September battles in Stalingrad.
162nd Award.

Swords: October 23rd, 1944
As: Generalleutnant Kommandeur, 24. Panzer-Division
Awarded for the outstanding leadership of his Division during the defensive battles in the Dnieper bend (17.10.-03.11.1943), the Nikopol bridgehead (04.11.1943-22.01.1944), Cherkassy (28.01.-09.02.1944), between the Dnieper and Ingulez rivers (10.-28.02.1944), between the Ingulez and Bug rivers (29.02.-22.03.1944), between Targul-Frumos and Jassy (28.03.-08.06.1944), between the San and Vistula rivers (21.07.-31.08.1944) and the defense in the Dukla Pass (up to the 28.09.1944).

105th Award.

Postwar signed photo and signed note

Price: $45.00

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