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Schmalz, Wilhelm
*March 1st, 1901 (Reußen/Saxony, Germany)
+March 14th, 1983 (Braunfels/Hesse, Germany)
Knights Cross: November 28th, 1940
As: Major Kommandeur, I. Bataillon, Kavallerie-Schützen-Regiment 11
During the pursuit of French forces in the Fall Rot stage of the battle of France, Major Schmalz and his troops were able to capture the bridge over the Loire at Allier despite there being no specific order to do so. The capture of this bridge, as well as another crossing over the river at Nevers, was (together with the formation of a German bridgehead at La Charte on the previous day) of crucial importance for the continuation of German operations. It ensured that the French were not able to create a new defensive line along this river and that the German pursuit operations between the Loire and the Swiss border could continue without interruption. For his contribution here Schmalz would receive the Knight’s Cross.
Oakleaves: December 23rd, 1943
As: Oberst Kommandeur, Brigade z.b.V., Panzer-Division "Hermann Göring"
Awarded for the achievements of Kampfgruppe Schmalz during the battle for Sicily. Despite the lack of troops and supplies Schmalz and his troops fought a brilliant series of defensive actions in the Mt. Etna area from Catania through to Messina.
357th Award.
Postwar signed photo measuring 3 ½” x 5” signed on reverse

Price: $0.00

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