Date Instituted: 1896.
Campaign: India 1895-1902.
Description: There are two obverses for this medal. The first bears the head of Queen Victoria and the legend ‘VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX’ while the second (post 1901 issue) has the head of King Edward VII and the legend ‘EDWARDVS VII REX IMPERATRIX. The reverse depicts a British soldier with rifle and an Indian Sowar with sword both holding upright the Royal Standard. The word ‘INDIA’ appears on both versions to the left but the date ‘1895’ appears only on the Victorian awards. The suspender is an ornate scroll type with a claw mount sweated to the medal.
Metal: Silver.
Size: 36mm.
Clasps: ‘DEFENCE OF CHITRAL 1895’, ‘RELIEF OF CHITRAL 1895’, ‘PUNJAB FRONTIER 1897-98’, ‘MALAKAND 1897’, ‘SAMANA 1897’, ‘TIRAH 1897-98’ and ‘WARIRISTAN 1901-02’. The last clasp appears only on the Edward VII issue.
Naming: Most medals are found engraved in running script but those with the ‘PUNJAB FRONTIER 1897-98’ and ‘MALAKAND 1897’ clasps are usually in indented capitals. However other styles have been encountered.
Comments: Many of the recipients received this medal while still serving in India. As a result the clasps are often added by local India craftsmen and the rivets appear quite poorly done. This should not be seen as a possible fake or altered medal but more the norm. Also it should be noted that the Edward VII issues are slightly thinner than Victorian ones.
Information courtesy of www.BRITISHMEDALS.INFO
INDIA MEDAL named to
4412 1/2 Sepoy Ajmmkham 22nd Pjb Infy
3 Bars
TIRAH 1897-98
replacement ribbon
Price: $600.00
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